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ASEAN-Korea Centre 25th Blog Reporter Application Form 제25기 한-아세안센터 블로그 기자단 모집

[Recruitment] 25th Blog Reporters of the AKC

We are recruiting the 25th Blog Reporters of the ASEAN-Korea Centre.


In celebration of 35th anniversary of ASEAN-Republic of Korea dialogue relations and 15th anniversary of the establishment of the ASEAN-Korea Centre, we are recruiting Blog Reporters who can find and develop a variety of contents about ASEAN, which are categorized below.

1. Economy 2. Culture 3. People and Society 4. Environment and Science 5. Sports

If you are interested in writing about these topics related to ASEAN and ASEAN-Korea relations, this is an opportunity for you to do it with us!


■ ASEAN-Korea Centre is an international organization dedicated to advance economic, social and cultural cooperation between the governments of the Republic of Korea and the 10 ASEAN member states, which was establiahsed on March 2009. 10 ASEAN member states include Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


■ AKC Blog :


1. Qualifications

○ Those who are interested in ASEAN

○ Those who are comfortable in writing articles on ASEAN or the ASEAN-Korea Centre under the categorization below at least twice a month

(Economy, Culture, People and Society, Environment and Science, Sports)

○ Those who are able to participate in AKC’s programs (online/offline)

○ Those who have experience of being an online reporter/supporter in public organizations will be preferred

※ Applicants for English reporter must be able to read and understand Korean (or familiar with the Naver Blog interface)


2. Documents to be submitted (attached)

○ For English reporter applicants: English application form

○ For Korean reporter applicants: Korean application form

 Agreement Form for Collection of Personal Information


3. Application Period

○ 2024. 01. 30 (Tuesday) - 02. 16 (Friday) 


4. How to apply

○ Fill out and submit the attached application and the agreement form to

○ File should be submitted in the form of ‘25기 기자단_지원서_이름.docx’ and ‘25기 기자단_동의서_이름.docx’


5. Announcement of selected candidates

○ Selection notice will be given individually in the fourth week of February 2023

※ Completion of selection will be announced to the public via ASEAN-Korea Centre SNS

○ Online orientation to take place on 27 February 2024 (tentative)


6. Activities of the 25th Blog Reporters

○ Period : 2024. 03. 02. - 2025. 01. 31. (11 months)

○ Provide at least two articles per month covering ASEAN or ASEAN-Korea Centre

※ Topics

- Exploring various economy, culture, people and society, environment and science, and sports issues of ASEAN

- Looking into the recent events/news on ASEAN

- Introducing programs of other organizations related to ASEAN

- Coverage on AKC programs upon request

- Espeically, issues related to the 35th anniversary of ASEAN-ROK dialogue relations and the 15th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN-Korea Centre


7. Benefits

○ Honorarium for each article

○ Welcome Kit

○ Certificate (if you write at least two articles per month during the period)

○ Selection of best reporters and gifts will be given

○ Writer’s lunch sessions for networking and feedback sharing

○ Participation in AKC programs



8. Inquiries

○ ASEAN-Korea Centre, Information and Data Unit

    8th fl., 124, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 100-750

    (Postal code : 100-750)

○ Tel: (02) 2287-1145

○ E-mail:

○ Blog:

○ Facebook: 

○ Instagram:

○ YouTube:
