fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=12687 19 number of counts search postings 제목 작성자 list of postings GSIS LOUNGE ▶ Forms number title author date file hits notice to total bulletin board [ notice to total bulletin board ] ★★ Academic Guide for PNU GSIS (Admission year: 2022년~) 남유경 2022.01.27 2 notice to total bulletin board [ notice to total bulletin board ] ★ Academic Guide for PNU GSIS (Admission year: 2004~2021년) 남유경 2020.09.08 2 notice to total bulletin board [ notice to total bulletin board ] [★Common] Check List for Graduation 남유경 2020.09.08 1 19 기간 외 수강정정 신청서 Course Registration after Registration Period 남유경 2024.01.09 1 46 18 학위청구논문 심사요구서 Application for Examination for a Degree Thesis 남유경 2021.10.19 4 56 17 타 학과 수학신청원 Application for Course in Other Departments 남유경 2020.08.30 6 86 16 박사과정 연구실 신청 Study Room for Doctoral Students 남유경 2020.08.30 2 49 15 전과 신청 Major Change 남유경 2020.08.30 3 558 14 지도교수상담제 (PASS 프로그램) Student Counselling Program 남유경 2020.08.30 5 58 13 재입학 신청 Application for Re-admission 남유경 2020.08.30 3 500 12 졸업 체크리스트 Check List for Graduation 남유경 2020.08.30 3 56 11 학위논문 작성지침 Guidelines for a Degree Thesis 남유경 2020.08.30 0 39 10 수료후연구생 등록신청서 Registration of Diploma Candidate 남유경 2020.08.30 1 39 9 지도교수 추천신청서 (석·박사) Academic Supervisor Selection (Master's/Doctoral) 남유경 2020.08.30 1 512 8 석사 초과학점 신청서 Transfer of Excessive Credits from MS course 남유경 2020.08.30 1 35 7 부산대학교 학칙 및 학사운영규정 Academic Regulations of PNU 남유경 2020.08.30 0 36 6 무논문 학위 신청서 Application Form for Non-Thesis Track 남유경 2020.08.30 2 46 5 논문심사 기한 연장원 Application for Extension of Thesis Evaluation 남유경 2020.08.30 1 36 4 박사학위논문 예비발표 신청서 Preliminary Presentation for Ph’D degree 남유경 2020.08.30 1 37 3 학위청구자격시험 원서 Application Form for Qualifying Examination 남유경 2020.08.30 2 43 2 자퇴원 Application form for Dropout 남유경 2020.08.30 4 59 1 논문심사결과보고서 Report of Thesis Evaluation 남유경 2020.08.30 3 55 beginning 1 end 처음 끝